- Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, India.
- Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Patna, Bihar India.
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Groundwater arsenic contamination has affected millions of people in the Middle-Gangetic Plain in India. In Bihar (India), 18 districts have been reported to be affected with groundwater arsenic poisoning in which majority of the effected population belongs to rural areas. In the present study, assessment of arsenic contamination in the groundwater of hand tube wells and human blood samples of village?s subjects of Vaishali district of Bihar, India was undertaken. Four villages Tehrasiya, Chaunkia, Gopalpur and Kalyanpur village of two blocks Raghopur and Bidupur were the study sites. Maximum observed value of groundwater arsenic contamination was reported to be 1352?g/L from Tehrasiya village of Raghopur block. Arsenic contamination in human blood samples of the subject was found to be 368?g/L from the same household of the Tehrasiya Village of Raghopur Block. Prevalence of groundwater arsenic contamination and blood arsenic contamination was more than 50% in the overall studied population of the four villages. As a result of the arsenic poisoning villagers exhibited typical symptoms of arsenicosis in the subjects of all age groups. Present study, thus concludes that severity of groundwater arsenic contamination has led to serious health hazards to the rural population of Vaishali district of Bihar, India.
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[Abhinav, Sneha Navin, Prabhat Shankar, Ranjit Kumar, Mohammad Ali, Shishir Kumar Verma, Ashok Kumar Ghosh, Arun Kumar (2017); ARSENIC CONTAMINATION OF GROUNDWATER AND HUMAN BLOOD IN VAISHALI DISTRICT OF BIHAR, INDIA: HEALTH HAZARDS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 2092-2100] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research Centre